
Please read all the information below before

remitting a payment for CPC recertification.

CPC Recertification is required every 2 years to maintain your APSATS credential (2 years from your certification date or last re-certification). Required documentation includes the following:

To be eligible for re-certification a coach must provide one of the following:

  • Must hold an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Credential of ACC, PCC or MCC. (certificate)

  • Or if a Board Certified Coach, current CCE credential holder. (certificate)

Additional required documentation includes the following:

  1. Proof of completion of 20 hours of continuing education completed during that 2 year period. 10 of those hours directly related to partner or couple trauma treatment (i.e. EMDR training, PTSD, partner trauma & sex addiction, etc.
  2. Updated proof of liability insurance.
  3. Proof of a current ICF Membership (certificate).
  4. Payment of $100 renewal fee (online payment).

Guidelines for CEs for APSATS Recertification:

Continuing education is defined as any presentation (live or recorded) that has an educational component with educational materials. For the hours to qualify as APSATS CEs, the APSATS certified professional must show one of the following:

• Receipt for the training, including # of CE hours awarded

• Copy of the presentation outline, including agenda with time

• Certificate of training completion

Please send all documentation together in one email to [email protected]. Once APSATS receives your payment and supporting documentation, you be will notified and provided with an updated certificate upon approval. This process can take a few weeks upon receipt of your completed packet.

(If you are in need of an extension to get the criteria met, please let us know by emailing [email protected])

Please access your account to make your secure payment for recertification and update your directory information.

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