
Certification Process

APSATS has approved a certification process for licenced clinicians and approved coaches who have completed the 4 day APSATS MPTM Certification Training program. Once the applicant has successfully completed the training and receives a certificate of completion of the program, the applicant will then complete the following requirements for consideration for Certification by APSATS as a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS), Certified Partner Coach (CPC). Certification is designed to take place no earlier than 9 months, and must be completed within a 2 year (24 month) time period after taking the APSATS MPTM Certification Training program.

Please note that these requirements are our initial requirements. We reserve the right to make changes to these requirements in the future as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.

Certification is designed to take place no earlier than 9 months, and must be completed within a 2 year (24 month) time period after taking the APSATS MPTM Certification Training program.

To become certified after completion of the required training modules, an applicant will meet the following requirements:

 IF you are a Betrayed Partner or a Sex Addict in recovery:

We recognize that some of the clinicians and coaches who work in the field of helping betrayed partners, are recovering sex addicts themselves and/or partners who have been betrayed. It is this real-life experience with their own recoveries that adds additional compassion and expertise to the work they do. At the same time, we recognize that these clinicians and coaches have a responsibility to both themselves and their clients to consistently assess how their past experiences may be impacting their current work. Therefore, APSATS has developed a set of guidelines for those we certify as Certified Clinical Partner Specialists and Certified Partner Coaches.

Click here to read our guidelines.

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