Part of our mission at APSATS is to advocate for the ethical care and relational healing for all those impacted by sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. One way we achieve this mission is through research. You can help us with our mission by completing one of the following confidential surveys on disclosures. Your feedback will help us better support other women and men going through this process, and will be instrumental in helping us train partner specialists in the years to come. If you have gone through a disclosure and/or polygraph process, you can help us tremendously by sharing your experience with us.
If you are a female partner of someone with sexual addiction, please select the Partner Survey below. If you are a male partner of an addict, please contact [email protected] for further instructions. If you are the person with the addiction, please select the Addict Survey below.
Taking this survey may bring up difficult memories or emotions. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you can stop at any time. If you experience distress as a result of taking this survey, please contact your therapist or contact APSATS at [email protected] or (513) 847-2342 for possible referrals for assistance.
Select: Partner Survey or Addict Survey
Thanks again for your help!
Intimacy Anorexia-Intimacy Deprivation Survey
Thank you for your participation in this survey on the experience of emotional, spiritual and sexual intimacy associated with sex/pornography addiction, chronic infidelity, and/or intimacy anorexia. The information will be used to help make professionals and recovering individuals more aware of intimacy issues that need to be addressed during recovery.
If you should feel any emotional distress as a result of answering these questions about your relationship experiences, you can find a list of therapists and coaches at, or
Intimacy Anorexia-Intimacy Deprivation Survey
Professional Survey
For those who currently assist partners as professional therapists or coaches, please take our Professional Survey.
APSATS is seeking information regarding how therapists who assist partners define their specialty status and on how or if they received training to help partners. Your participation will help us better understand the need for specialized partner training and what gaps currently exist in the professional training of partner specialists. Thanks so much for your willingness to participate! Please contact us at [email protected] or (513) 847-2342 if you have any questions.
Partner Therapist Survey
This is a confidential survey where you can provide your clinical experience. The purpose of this survey is not meant to rate or evaluate various programs but rather to better identify gaps in services and better understand the issues that affect betrayed partners. Ultimately, we want to develop recommendations that will increase overall awareness and cultivate sensitivity about what partners and their families experience when their loved one is away at a program.
Your feedback is crucial and we appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. Please complete a separate survey for each client.
Partner Advocacy Survey
To be completed ONLY if your loved one has sought treatment in residential or Intensive outpatient settings.
When facing sex addiction in a primary relationship, there are different types of trauma: discovery of betrayal, disclosure trauma, etc. Then there is Treatment-induced trauma which occurs when partners are mistreated, disrespected, marginalized, gaslighted, misjudged, dismissed, etc. by well-meaning mental health professionals or programs.
APSATS has developed a special Task Force aimed at treatment -induced trauma of partners while their significant other attends an (IOP) Intensive Outpatient Program or residential program. Specifically, the goals of the Task Force include the following:
This survey is designed as a preliminary tool to gather important information about partners’ experiences while their significant other has attended a residential program or (IOP) Intensive Outpatient Program. This is not meant to be a research project at this time. In particular, the goal is to further understand how these programs address the needs of partners and their families. The survey will take approximately 30-45 minutes of your time.
Your feedback will help us to identify problem areas, gaps in services and develop ways to improve overall awareness and sensitivity toward partner trauma in these programs. Your comments will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality and will not be used for any public exposure of any kind. You have the option of providing your name. Please feel free to tell us your experience. We hope that by articulating your story, not only will it help us to help others, but it may also be healing for you. We deeply appreciate your thoughts and opinions. Partners and their families deserve to be treated with the highest degree of respect and kindness when their SA goes to treatment.
Please note that in this survey, we refer to the sex addict as SA and significant other as Partner. We realize this is not gender specific. We also want to caution you that these questions may be triggering and cause you distress. Please utilize your local therapist for support or reach out to an APSATS therapist. Thank you for completing this survey.
The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.7435. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists
p. (513) 847-2342
2722 Erie Ave Ste 219 PMB 658610
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208-2154
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Website by WebX Design With APSATS Mktg.
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