Find a Specialist

APSATS Trained Specialists

The contact information for individuals listed in this directory is to be used solely for professional referrals and is not to be used for marketing, solicitation, or other commercial purposes.

Please understand it is your responsibility to determine if a given provider is appropriate for your needs. APSATS does not endorse or recommend any individual therapist or coach found in this directory. 

Professionals found in this directory who have completed the MPTM training and are current in the certification process are denoted as -C, which means they are a candidate. If they have complete MPTM training, the certification process and have been awarded Certification, they will be denoted as either a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS) or Certified Partner Coach (CPC).

YOU CAN SEARCH FOR A "CLINICIAN", "THERAPIST" or a "COACH". Note: Coaches can provide support to anyone regardless of location (but they cannot provide mental health treatment). A coach may be just what you need to help you move forward! 

TO SEARCH FOR A PROVIDER NEAR YOU: Click on search by location, enter your search radius, enter the city or state and click the search button. (Make sure the large search bar is empty.)


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