Seeking Certification as an APSATS Certified Partner Coach (CPC)?
Since its formation, APSATS has warmly invited coaches into our professional community—because we believe that high standards for qualified training, consultation and certification can (and do!) equip coaches to provide ethical, effective and partner-sensitive care. To understand APSATS’ requirements for coach training and certification, please read this entire document, including:
PART ONE: Coach Eligibility to Register for APSATS’ MPTM Training
Any coach wishing to receive training in APSATS’ Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model (MPTM Training) must first be educated through a coach training program that is accredited by either the International Coaching Federation (ICF) or the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE), and must also join the International Coaching Federation as an active member. Coaches must predetermine their training eligibility as follows:
Before you register for MPTM Training, it is your responsibility to:
A. Verify your APSATS-eligible coach education (see 1.1 below).
B. Join or renew your ICF Membership (see 1.2 below).
C. Secure documentation for your APSATS-eligible coach education (see 1.3 below).
D. Secure documentation for your ICF Membership (see 1.4 below).
E. Email documentation of your APSATS-eligible coach education and ICF Membership Certificate to [email protected].
F. Wait for confirmation from APSATS.
G. Register for MPTM Training.
When we receive your documentation, we will respond with confirmation that you are ready to register for MPTM Training. If you believe you meet the criteria as written but cannot verify or secure supporting documentation, please contact [email protected] for support.
1.1. Verify, Then Send, Your Coach Education
Before submitting your registration for MPTM Training, a coach must complete, document and verify a total 60+ hours of APSATS-eligible coach education; APSATS-eligible education includes coach training programs that are accredited by either the International Coaching Federation (ICF) or Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE).
Please note that you are not yet eligible to register for MPTM Training if either of the following criteria is true: (a) you have begun your coach education, but will not receive your certificate(s) of completion for 60+ hours BEFORE the start date for MPTM Training; (b) your coach training program(s) are not accredited through either the International Coaching Federation (as verified here) or the Center for Credentialing & Education (as verified here) and therefore do not meet standards for APSATS-eligible coach education.
Coaches must provide their Certificate(s) of Completion, issued upon graduation from one or more APSATS-eligible coach training program(s) as detailed above, documenting a total 60+ hours of coach education.
Once you have this documentation ready, email it to APSATS at [email protected].
1.2. Join or renew your ICF Membership, Then Send to APSATS
APSATS requires that any candidate applying to become credentialed as a Certified Partner Coach (CPC) first secure active ICF Membership. ICF Membership is required for both ICF-credentialed coaches, CCE-credentialed coaches and International coaches. By joining the International Coaching Federation as an active member, you (a) agree to uphold ICF’s Code of Ethics, (b) are supported by opportunities to network with other professional coaches, and (c) are provided with free and discounted opportunities for current and continuing coach education. You can join ICF by clicking here:
Coaches must provide their ICF Membership Certificate, which can be downloaded from your ICF Member Profile.
Once you have this documentation ready, email it to APSATS at [email protected].
1.3. Wait for Confirmation from APSATS
When we receive your verified documentation as outlined (see 1.2 through 1.3 above), APSATS will respond with confirmation that you are ready to register for MPTM Training.
1.4. Register for the MPTM Training!
Congrats! Now that you’ve verified your coach education, secured and submitted all required documentation, and received confirmation from APSATS regarding your eligibility, we’re eager to welcome you into our APSATS family of MPTM trainees!
Click here to register for our next MPTM Training.
PART TWO: Coach Eligibility to Apply for APSATS’ Certified Partner Coach (CPC) Credential
After successful completion of MPTM Training, any coach wishing to apply for your credential as an APSATS Certified Partner Coach (CPC) must also meet additional eligibility qualifications. REMINDER: Certification is designed to take place (a) no earlier than 9 months and (b) no later than 24 months following completion of MPTM Training. Coaches must predetermine their training eligibility as follows:
2.1: Secure Your ICF or CCE Credential
APSATS requires that any candidate applying to become credentialed as a Certified Partner Coach (CPC) first hold an active credential issued by one of the following two organizations: International Coaching Federation (ACC, PCC or MCC), or the Center for Credentialing and Education (BCC). Please note that you will be required to submit your ACC, PCC, MCC or BCC certificate with all other application documents.
Check here for ICF credentialing requirements:
Check here for CCE credentialing requirements:
2.2: Gather all Supporting Documents
APSATS requires that any candidate applying to become credentialed as a Certified Partner Coach (CPC) first gather all supporting documentation for submission to APSATS. When you are close to meeting these requirements and are ready to apply for certification, you can download and complete a copy of the application.
Required Supporting Documents:
2.3: Send Your Application and Supporting Documents to APSATS
Your part is almost done! Please attach all supporting documents (as separate files) to one email and submit it to [email protected]. Once APSATS has your application packet and verified all attached documentation, we will notify you and forward everything to our application review committee. This process can take several weeks after we receive your completed packet.
2.4: Celebrate!
We know you’ve worked hard to get to this point. We hope that you honor and celebrate that hard work while you wait for APSATS to approve your application.
2.5: Got Questions?
Contact [email protected] with your questions.
You can download a copy of the application when you are close to meeting these requirements and are ready to apply for certification.
IF you are a Betrayed Partner or a Sex Addict in recovery:
We recognize that some of the clinicians and coaches who work in the field of helping betrayed partners, are recovering sex addicts themselves and/or partners who have been betrayed. It is this real-life experience with their own recoveries that adds additional compassion and expertise to the work they do. At the same time, we recognize that these clinicians and coaches have a responsibility to both themselves and their clients to consistently assess how their past experiences may be impacting their current work. Therefore, APSATS has developed a set of guidelines for those we certify as Certified Clinical Partner Specialists and Certified Partner Coaches.
Click here to read our guidelines.
The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.7435. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists
p. (513) 847-2342
2722 Erie Ave Ste 219 PMB 658610
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208-2154
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