Dr. Barbara Steffens, PhD, Receives the Prestigious Carnes Award
for Her Pioneering Work for Partners of Sex Addicts
West Chester, Ohio - Dr. Barbara Steffens, PhD, was recently honored for her pioneering work on behalf of partners of sex addicts when the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) presented her with the prestigious SASH Carnes Award at SASH's 2018 Annual Conference, held this year October 3-5, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Named after Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D., founder of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals, the annual “Carnes Award” is presented by SASH to researchers and clinicians who have made exceptional contributions to the field of problematic sexual behavior.
"Dr. Steffens was chosen as the winner of this year's award, not primarily, but in a large part because of the resounding vote she received in this community for her work with partners of sex addicts. We had a tremendous number of nominations for her," said SASH President Mary Deitch, JD, Psy.D, as she announced the award.
Since 1999, Dr. Steffens has been a pioneer in the area of treating sexual addiction and providing help for the partners of sex addicts. Her 2005 seminal research showed 69% of partners experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder when they discover they have been sexually betrayed. Dr. Steffens research and her book, Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal , co-authored by Marsha Means, MA, are dramatically affecting change in the lives of those who are victims of problematic sexual behavior and in the professionals who are trained to serve them.
In 2011, along with a small group of like-minded mental health professionals, Dr. Steffens founded The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). Today, APSATS is an international organization dedicated to providing training, education and research about the traumatic impact problematic sexual behavior has on partners of sex addicts. As the leading advocate seeking to improve the quality of care given to partners of sex addicts, and thereby decrease the incidence of secondary trauma, APSATS President Dr. Steffens is an internationally recognized expert on betrayal trauma.
"To be recognized by my colleagues in the field is so humbling!" said Dr. Steffens. "I am honored to receive this award, for myself certainly, but also on behalf of all the courageous men and women who have stood with me as we advocate for change in our field. Together, we have brought ethical care and HOPE to betrayed partners."
About The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS )
Founded in 2011, APSATS believes that those in relationship with someone with out of control, problematic sexual behaviors can and often do experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress in response to the discovery of the sexual acting out, dynamics in relationship with this person, and disruption of the individual’s sense of their own history.
Historically other treatment programs (not APSATS) adopted the 12-step model from Alcoholics Anonymous and believed that partners of sex addicts were “codependents” or “co-addicts”. APSATS believes very strongly that partners had no idea that the sex addict was betraying her/him and did not collude with the sex addict in any way.
To help partners cope and heal, APSATS developed the Multi-Dimensional Partner Trauma Model (MPTM), and this supports working with the partner and the person with addictive behavior using a new orientation that dramatically shifts the perspective of how partners and addicts are viewed in the coupleship. APSATS provides certification in the trauma treatment model for Certified Clinical Partner Specialists (CCPS) and Certified Partner Coaches (CPC) who meet APSATS’s training and supervision requirements.
The APSATS MPTM is changing the way many treatment centers and institutions are working with partners. We are all in this together and we want partners to have the knowledge and skills to make the best choices for them and their family. For more information about APSATS, visit our website www.apsats.org
For more information, or to schedule a media interview, please email [email protected]
The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.7435. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists
p. (513) 847-2342
2722 Erie Ave Ste 219 PMB 658610
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208-2154
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