
Barbara Steffens Scholarship Program

In 2020, APSATS was excited to announce the creation of the Barbara Steffens Scholarship fund.

This scholarship stands as a timeless tribute to the pioneering contributions of Dr. Barbara Steffens, a trailblazer in the betrayal trauma perspective. Dr. Steffens played a pivotal role in reshaping our understanding of betrayal trauma by developing the groundbreaking Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model (MPTM). This model not only sparked a paradigm shift in the field of betrayal trauma, but continues to serve as a source of hope and healing for betrayed partners across the globe. Dr. Steffens also served as the founding President of the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). 

This scholarship is a testament to her transformative influence, aiming to recognize her pivotal role in changing the lives of betrayed partners by facilitating the education of those working with them. 

APSATS, guided by its mission to uphold the highest standards of care for coaches and clinicians in the field of betrayal trauma, offers this scholarship to support individuals interested in attending the MPTM who may face financial constraints. The goal is to ensure that the transformative knowledge and skills imparted by the MPTM can reach a broader audience, fostering a community dedicated to providing quality care in the realm of betrayal trauma.

Scholarship criteria: 

  • Betrayed partner who is a single parent and experiencing financial hardship.
  • Betrayed partner who is rebuilding their life and experiencing financial hardship.
  • Person of Diversity – race, religion, socio-economic, bi-lingual, sexual orientation.
  • Person who is working with an underserved population, such as elderly, marginalized, ethnic group, gay partners, male partners.
  • Clinical graduate student.

How to apply: 

  • Read Your Sexually Addicted Spouse by Barbara Steffens and Marsha Means.
  • Submit letter of recommendation– from a colleague, peer, faith leader, supervisor,
  • someone who is supportive or knowledgeable of your work with partners of sex addicts.
  • If graduate student: 
  • Submit verification of school attendance
  • Submit a copy of your transcript
  • Submit a letter of recommendation by a professor
  • Complete the application.

Important: All documents must be submitted simultaneously into the application.

Important dates to note: 

  • Scholarship application opens 90 days prior to each MPTM training, and will stay open for 30 days. 
  • Scholarship applications will close 60 days prior to MPTM training to allow for applications to be processed. Your participation spot will be held while the scholarship applications are being processed. Please note that any application will not be processed if it does not meet all of the requirements for documentation. 
  • Scholarship awards will be announced 30 days prior to the MPTM training. 

If you have any questions, please contact  [email protected].

Donations to this scholarship will financially assist clinicians or coaches in furthering their skill set, education, and implementation of the Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model (MPTM). Applicants must meet one or more of the criteria as outlined in the application. Financial awards will be applied toward the cost of the recipients’ MPTM training.

To give a donation and further the legacy of Dr. Barbara Steffens, click here 

To complete your scholarship application, click here.

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